Wednesday, January 18, 2012

3 Year Scans Tomorrow!

Time for scans again...

Thursday we'll be spending the day at DeVos Children's Hospital again. Greta is going in for her 6 month scans. She'll be having a CT Scan, Bone Scan, EKG and EEG, then we'll be back on Friday hopefully for results and a check up with her doctor. This scan marks her 3 year post transplant. Wow 3 years already!

Greta was 17 months old when she first started treatment and just celebrated her 5th birthday in November. She also started going to Young 5's this past fall. She absolutely loves it. She loves her teacher and has already made many friends.

Greta has an amazing joie de vie. She throws herself into everything she does. She started playing soccer this fall and when she isn't running for the ball, she is organzing team hugs. Both Greta and Gavin took swim lessons this winter and love being in the water. Greta's also enjoying her second year of ballet and this year added tap dance. We'll be adding T-Ball to the mix this Spring at her request.

She's doing great, but we're, as always, a little anxious when it comes to scan time. It seems the further and further away we get from her last treatment, the more anxiety we have over the fear of something showing up. So we're asking that you keep us in your prayers this week, prayers that Greta continues to be a healthy little girl and that our concerns are eased!

Thank you!
The Betz Family