Saturday, May 31, 2008

A Little Longer Wait...

I know many have asked about Greta's CT Scan results from Wednesday. We probably won't hear anything until Monday now. After the incident at the hospital on Thursday we figure there was a lot going on and we could wait to inquire on Monday when we return for round 3. As of Friday the Oncology floor that Greta regularly visits was still closed for repairs. Hopefully by Monday they will be up and running again.

We too are anxiously awaiting the CT Scan results, we are hopeful that they show more improvement. In the mean time we are enjoying lots of play time with Greta. Her walking has greatly improved and she is acting more like herself every day. It is such a joy to see her doing so well.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Rest Assured!

None of us were at the hospital today. Greta and her family are fine. Our prayers go out to those who were injured, as well as their loved ones, and to all who were at the hospital during the incident.
For those who are not local (who haven't heard), there was a helicopter crash on the roof at Spectrum Hospital (where Greta has been treated these past several weeks). You can read the story by clicking here.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Our Little Fighter

Greta's stem cell collection today was successful. They were able to collect almost 2-3 times what they had hoped, so she'll definitely be set if a transplant is needed in the future. Fortunately they were also able to fit her in for her CT Scan today saving us another trip to the hospital tomorrow. The good news now is we have the next 4 days straight at home.

Just like when Greta was sedated in the ICU, she was fighting the sedation today. After 3 rounds of anesthesia, Greta was still sitting up and fighting to stay awake (and exercising her lungs real well). And now 6 hours later she is still fighting the effects, her poor little eyes are so heavy, but she continues to fight to stay awake. We are taking that as a good sign that she'll be this feisty in her fight against cancer too!

Long Days at the Hospital

Tuesday Greta was back at the hospital for lab work and an ultra sound. Her white blood cell count was high enough that we are scheduled to come back Wednesday for a stem cell collection. Her stem cells are being collected now while she's healthy in the event that she'll need a transplant in the future. That meant for Greta another blood and platelet transfusion on Tuesday, so we spent most of the day there with a not so happy little girl.

Wednesday's procedures will be done under sedation, so she'll have a more relaxing day. I can't say the same for Mom and Dad!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Quick Update

We're having a great weekend with the family. It's so nice to be home, although we have appointments at the hospital almost every other day. Today Greta had to go in to have her platelets checked and as expected they were very low and required a transfusion. The platelets help the blood to clot and prevent her from having nose bleeds and bruising. We're back in again Tuesday to check labs again and Thursday for a CT scan to check the progress of the tumor. Next Monday we'll check back in to start her 3rd round of chemo.

Yesterday the weather was finally warm enough that Greta was able to check out the new play set. She enjoyed climbing up the slide with Grandma Betz's help and sliding down on her belly. We have a toddler swing, but it wasn't long before Greta was insisting on sitting on the big kid swing.

Thank you again all the prayers. It means a lot to our family.

Love the Betz Family.

Holiday Weekend

Greta continues to amaze us; we have seen so many smiles and heard loud, silly laughter this weekend!

Randy and Kristi are constantly watching her for signs of fever or other discomfort - a real feat when they suspect she's probably teething at the same time! Her numbers continue to come is as hoped and expected, but the treatment definitely takes a toll on her little body. Today she needed to stay at the hospital for most of the morning to receive a platelet transfusion. She had a nice nap while she was there, and between that and the transfusion itself, we had a content little lady to play with and adore this evening.

Gavin has enjoyed playing outside with his friends; we're really grateful that this is going on during the summer when he and his buddies can be outside - the playset has gotten quite a lot of mileage already!

Greta's still eating and drinking pretty well, hasn't lost her hair, and doesn't yet seem to have nausea or any other of the side effects we've been bracing for. She's only a little cranky now and then, and a lot more clingy with Mom and Dad, but most of that we think is probably due to frustration at not being able play the way she'd like to. She's walking a little bit more, but only a few steps at a time, and that's probably hard for her to take, too.

We continue to thank God for her pleasant nature, her terrific response to the treatment, and the comfort we receive daily from so many well-wishers. It's truly been a blessing to share this long Holiday weekend with her, to hear her gorgeous laughter and enjoy her squinty, excited little grins!

Love to all,

Friday, May 23, 2008

Smiling from Ear to Ear

My son, Aidan, and I were lucky enough to get some visiting in with Greta last night...alright, I got face time, and Aidan stayed out of the house, playing with Gavin - no need to risk bringing "my little petri dish" inside!

Greta, I am thrilled to report, is laughing, clapping, playing, smiling, and eating as though there's not a thing to be concerned about. It's hard to believe that she's as sick as she is, because she's just so sweet and happy!

Just wanted to let everyone know that our prayers are being heard; the Betzes are doing great, and Greta is truly amazing.

Love to all,

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Home Again!

How sweet it is. Greta has completed her second round of chemo and she once again amazed the doctors with her strength. Before we left she was blowing kisses and giving "fives" to the doctors and nurses.

Now we are looking forward to the warm weather and a holiday weekend at home. We will definitely need to be extra careful though with her at home right after the chemo. She will be at her weakest at home, rather than at the hospital like last time. Yikes! That means lots of hand washing and well placed sneezes into elbows. That could be a tough one for Gavin. We will have plenty of hand sanitizer around the house for him and others.

Her next round of chemo is scheduled for June 2nd, with clinic visits twice a week to check her counts. So that means we should have a nice two weeks of all of us at home.

A lot of you have asked what you can do to help us out. Mostly we are asking for the continued prayers, but also we think that a great gift to honor Greta would be that of blood donation. Greta has already received three transfusions which wouldn't have been possible without the generosity of others. You can find your local donation site by visiting the American Red Cross.

Thank you!
The Betz Family

Monday, May 19, 2008

Our Little Trooper

Greta is handling this 2nd round of chemo like a champ. She doesn't seem be feeling sick and in fact is eating great and treating all the hospital staff to her smiles and giggles. Greta loves to sit on the chair just inside her room and watch the people walk by and wave to them.

Greta will get another treatment tomorrow morning and if she responds as well as she has all week, we'll be bringing her home Tuesday. Unlike the last round, she'll be at home when her counts bottom out so we'll have to be extra careful that she avoids getting sick.

We are starting to get into an area of Greta's treatment where there are a lot of questions regarding the next steps. We ask for your continued prayers for Greta and the doctors that are treating her.

Thank you,
Randy, Kristi, Gavin and Greta

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Back For More...

It was so wonderful to have Greta at home for the last few days. On Wednesday Greta and Mommy took a walk to pick Gavin up at daycare. Then the following day Greta and Gavin took a trip to see Grandma and Grandpa Betz at the campground. There Gavin and Greta were able to play on the playset and Greta got a few rides down the slides with Grandma.

We returned to the hospital Friday for the next round of chemo. Greta will be getting 2 hours of chemo per day for the next 5 days, then she should be able to return home until the next treatment.

Grammy and Opa bought Greta a play mat for her 18 month birthday so she can spend some time playing on the floor while she's hospitalized. It can be quite challenging to keep a toddler entertained all day when she's hooked up to an IV! Not to mention her 4 year old brother!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

So Happy Together

Cyndi Higgons took some beautiful photos of Greta and her family while she's been home this week - stay tuned for a slideshow! Greta continues to feel better each day, trying to work out how to crawl and walk again, after being bedridden for 2 weeks. Mommy says she's smiling and giggling more every day!

Thanks for the continued prayers, keep 'em coming, please!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

And the results are.......

Yesterday Greta had another CT Scan to determine the progress of her treatment. We are thrilled to inform everyone that the treatment is going well, her tumor has lost 70% of its mass. So to say the treatment is going well is an understatement. The doctors are happy with the progress. We will pray that her next round of treatment goes as well.

Tonight will be the first night in 16 days all 4 members of the Betz family will sleep under the same roof. We were able to bring Greta home this afternoon and we were welcomed home with a sign over our front door reading "Welcome Home Greta Girl" and balloons on the mailbox courtesy of our wonderful neighbors. After a few minutes of snuggling with Daddy on the couch Greta fell fast asleep, safe and sound and happy. Gavin welcomed home his sister with a kiss as she slept, then was happy to run outside and ride his bike.

We closed our wonderful day with an ice cream social at our neighbors (in honor of Gavin's friend, Emma's 5th Birthday) both Greta and Gavin happily sleeping in their own beds and a quiet evening for Mom and Dad together for the first time in over 2 weeks.

There hopefully won't be much to report on in the next few days. Greta will return to the hospital Friday for her next treatment which will run for 5 days, then if all goes well, back home next Wednesday for a few days.

Thanks again for the continued support over the last 2 weeks, we are extremely grateful.

With love,
Randy, Kristi, Gavin and Greta

Monday, May 12, 2008

Sweet Home Caledonia!

Tomorrow Greta gets to go home! She rebounded so well from her Chemo treatments the last couple days that the doctors have decided that she can come home Tuesday until her next Chemo treatment this Friday. We're so excited (and a little bit nervous), it will be so nice to have all of us sleeping under the same roof for the next few nights. We know Gavin is excited to show Greta their new swing set.

Today Greta's central line was removed (from her groin) and the Broviac line was inserted under her clavicle which allows her to get her IV meds and allows for blood draws. We spent part of the day training how to care for her Broviac line while we are at home. She was also able to have her CT Scan today and we are anxiously awaiting the results tomorrow.

It's been a great couple of days and we're looking forward to some "normal" days at home this week. Thanks again for all the prayers! They are working!

Randy and Kristi

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Free at Last (from the IV pole!)

New favorite food: Otis Spunkmeyer's Blueberry Muffins
New favorite Health & Beauty Item: Hand Sanitizer

Greta got temporarily disconnected from her IV today for long enough to make a trip down to see the play room! It was truly a milestone, it's the first time she's been free of any type of IV pole or monitoring equipment since she arrived at the hospital 2 weeks ago today. What a joy it was to see her little smirk, her precious dimples again! She played catch with Mommy (ok, she played 'let's see how many times I can drop this ball and Mommy will still pick it up and give it to me?'), and she took a couple of tentative steps while holding on to Daddy's hands.

After a ride in a wagon, touring the hallways of her temporary home, she'll probably sleep pretty well tonight. It's Daddy's night to stay at the hospital, and Mommy's night to enjoy a good night's sleep in her own bed.

Happy Mothers' Day, everyone - it was another good day!

Love, Kari

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Greta's Giggling Again!

Greta gave her Mom (and Dad) an early Mothers' Day gift today when we finally got to hear her precious laughter. Daddy juggled oranges, much to Greta's delight, and that earned him a laugh, so it was a good day.

Greta spent the morning playing at her new 'home' with big brother Gavin, Mommy and Daddy. Gavin thinks Greta has it made - toys and games and puzzles abound on the 7th floor, so getting Gavin to leave the hospital will be Mom and Dad's next challenge!

Caledonia had a carnival this weekend, so Kristi and Randy were able to take Gavin and cousin Aidan out for a fun afternoon, while Grandma Betz, Ho-Ho (Grandpa Betz), Opa (Grandpa Upham) and Grammy Upham spent some quality time with the little patient. Greta had a long, peaceful and much-needed nap on Grandma Betz' lap - so Grandma Betz got her Mothers' Day gift early, too! Smiles and giggles are a rare commodity, but when they make an appearance, they light up our lives.

Greta is much stronger today, sitting up in her crib, holding her cup, eating muffins and eggs, and showing her feisty spirit - as she becomes more alert and strong, she's getting a bit more frustrated at not being able to be as active as she'd like. We take this as a good sign of her improving health, and we're anxiously awaiting the results of her next CT scan.

I feel a bit like a broken record (or do we say scratched CD now?), so let me try this:

For all of your kindnesses; your emails, letters, cards, flowers, gifts, and most especially your prayers, from Greta and all of us who cherish her - Thank you! Gracias! Merci! Danke! Grazie! Shoukran! Dank u! Obrigado!


Friday, May 9, 2008

Getting Used to the New Digs!

Greta had a quiet day, resting in her new room and meeting her new nurses on the 7th floor. Her doctors anticipate her white blood cell count to improve over the weekend and she is scheduled for a CT Scan on Sunday to see how well the chemo is working.

Greta is eating and drinking well, lots of wet diapers. She especially likes applesauce and crackers, sounds a lot like her brother's diet. Should be a busy weekend for her, we hope to have a lot of good news to report on on Sunday.

Thanks again for all the prayers and support. We have been humbled by the response we have received since Greta's diagnosis.

The Betz Family

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Moving - Must Sell!!

Loft - Downtown Grand Rapids, located on the 8th floor of the building. Tremendous view to the west, fully furnished, must share bath.

Greta has moved from PICU, yipee! She is now located on the seventh floor, room 7259. She is handling the move very well and is showing signs of becoming more active/less tired. Her blood count is still low as expected but she is drinking on her own and has made her first room service order. Soft food please! Also her breathing is getting better each day. Thanks for all the support!!!!

The Betz Family

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Unsung Heroes

We've written a lot so far about how grateful we are for the many prayers and messages of support that have been sent on behalf of little Greta. I'm certain our prayers are being heard (and answered), but we know that a lot of credit and thanks is owed to the fantastic doctors, nurses and other staff at Helen DeVos Children's Hospital.

Each person we've been priviledged to meet at HDCH has been so kind, helpful and encouraging. We know Greta is receiving world-class medical care, and we're so fortunate to have her in a place that is obviously well-prepared to treat her.

Thank you for your skill, your dedication to your work, and your compassion!
Greta's Family

Better Safe than Sorry

Greta had another good, restful night in PICU. Over the last several days, she's been carefully monitored for fever, and constantly been treated for it, but last night for the first time she maintained her own normal temperature (it's the little things that are becoming big things!).

Greta is still having some difficulty breathing, so her doctors agree that she should probably stay in the PICU for now. She's off her sedatives, and when I spoke to Kristi moments ago, Greta was busy watching Baby Einstein DVDs (something she hasn't really been able to watch before, because she has to share TV time with Big Brother Gavin!). Kristi says she's doing well.

Visitors are still very much encouraged, as long as you'll be satisfied seeing her parents for now!

Thanks, as always, for your continued prayers and messages of love and support.


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

2nd Time - Is the Charm

Today Greta once again decided she was done with her ventilator. And, fortunately for her, the doctors agreed. At 12:30 pm today she had enough of that tube up her nose and took it out. She is doing very well without the ventilator and resting very comfortably with her dolly in her mommy's arms.

She continues to improve daily, although today her white blood count dropped very low, but this is expected. We will need to be extremely careful now because she doesn't have much of a defense against infection. For this reason, we will need to limit visitors seeing Greta. Her parents, on the other hand, welcome all - we just may need to talk outside of her room. With any luck she will move out of the PICU (Pediatric Intensive Care Unit) tomorrow. This is huge. Tune in tomorrow to see.

Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes.

Randy and Kristi

Monday, May 5, 2008

Go Greta!

Greta continues to show good indicators for wearing down the tumor(s), and her lung capacity is steadily improving. Things have been quiet again today, which is exactly what we want right now.

Greta's arms and hands are "free" now, which has everyone watching her like a hawk (see Kristi's previous note about Greta removing her own breathing tube!). Days are long and quiet in her room as her little body works so hard to get well, but we all agree we can do without any excitement for a while. Kristi and Randy are still trading off each night; I'm sure that will go on for as long as Greta remains in intensive care. Gavin is doing really well, but he misses his sister! He is enjoying his evenings with Mom and Dad.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

1 Week Down, Many to Go

It's been a quiet day for us, Greta has been resting and listening to some nice lullaby music while her family and friends visited throughout the day. She got a nice bath, and we've been taking turns holding her little hand when she opens her eyes and reaches out for us from time to time.

Gavin spent his day playing with his Daddy, and he LOVES the new playset - thanks, again, to Randy and Kristi's terrific neighbors for the gifts of their time and workmanship!

Thanks for all of the kind words and continued prayers.


Thank you!

We would like to thank our neighbors for setting up Gavin and Greta's play set yesterday. Gavin was so excited when we came home last night, his exact words were "Oh my goodness!". We are so lucky to have such wonderful friends.

Greta is resting today and she is still responding well to the chemo. She also is showing her spunk to the medical team as she decided to take herself off her ventilator Friday night. She held her own for about 10 hours, but was still having trouble breathing, so she was put back on Saturday morning and seems much more comfortable now.

Thanks again for all the support, we can't tell you how much it means to us!

Randy and Kristi

Saturday, May 3, 2008

A Quiet Day (That's Good News!)

I don't dare miss updating for more than 24 hours, now that so many are watching and reading and wondering and praying, but there isn't a lot of news to share (no news = good news!).

We continue to get reports that Greta's various test results are showing positive indications that the meds are working. The numbers that should be up are up, and xrays continue to show improvement (more open spaces) in her lung.

Continue to send good thoughts and prayers, please, as we watch...wait...and hope!

Friday, May 2, 2008

More Wonderful News!

The good news keeps coming!

The oncologists met with Randy and Kristi this afternoon to share the (FABULOUS) results of various tests.

1) All indications are that the medications are successfully shrinking the tumor(s)!

2) The scan showed some visible air pockets in her lung in an area that was previously collapsed!

3) We got confirmation that all testing for cancer cells in Greta's bone marrow have come back 100% negative!

This is all THRILLING news!

Our prayers are working! Please don't stop!

All our love and gratefulness,

Greta's Family

Visiting Greta Girl

Hello Friends,

Randy and Kristi have asked me to let you know some details about visiting them at the hospital. They really enjoy having visitors, it sure helps to break up the time they spend waiting to hear some good news.

As Greta's treatment progresses, her fragile immune system will become more and more susceptible to germs. When you visit the hospital, there is a possiblity that you may not be allowed to visit Greta personally, but you can certainly have a visit with her parents; there is a family waiting room where they can meet with you.

If you decide to visit, please be sure that you are in good health, with no colds or other symptoms of illness. If you do bring children, they will have to remain in the family waiting room (with an adult, of course) and will not be allowed to see Greta. There are a few toys and computer games to keep them entertained while you visit.

Evenings are a busy visiting time, for obvious reasons. Evening visits are terrific, we just want you to be aware that if you do visit at that time, there may be others visiting then, too. Visiting hours are 9am - 9pm.

Thanks for all of the hugs and happy thoughts!

Started Chemo - Watching & Waiting (and Praying)

Greta was able to get started on chemotherapy Wednesday evening, the doctors started 2 of the 3 drugs that they planned to use, waiting on some improvement of a particular indicator before starting the third drug (wanted to make sure that her kidneys were working well before they put more strain on her body). They were able to go ahead with that yesterday morning. YAY!

Kristi and Randy have been able to alternate nights at home so Gavin gets some Mom and Dad time each evening, but of course they’re rushing back to the hospital first thing to be with Greta (and each other).

Greta’s still sleeping peacefully, letting the meds do their job. We’re all anxious to see her smiles again, we’re told that she will probably remain sedated and on her ventilator through sometime Saturday. We can’t wait to hear her giggles!

Randy and Kristi sure appreciate your thoughtful notes of encouragement, and of course we're all comforted knowing how many are praying for Greta's safekeeping, comfort and healing.

Hugs to all,