Friday, July 23, 2010

Greta is Good!

We got the good news today, Greta is cancer free. The scans showed some inflammation in her chest, her doctor joked that this was an expensive test to show that Greta has a cold!

Now we're at the cottage for a week of sun, swimming and boating. The kids are very excited to have Grammy, Opa, Mom and Dad for nine days.

Thanks again for all your continued support and prayers!
The Betz Family

Monday, July 19, 2010

Scans Wednesday

Greta has her clinic appointment tomorrow for her pre-scan check up. Then her CT and Bone scan Wednesday. Please send some prayers our way for good results and for her parents to not get too overwhelmed with worry!

We hopefully will get results back before we leave for our vacation on Friday. As always we'll post as soon as we hear!