Monday, June 28, 2010

Big News for Greta

Greta is finally potty trained! And the great news about that is she can now go back to playing in the play room while we are waiting at clinic instead of being isolated in an exam room! We took advantage of that at her June clinic visit. Her counts and her blood work all looked great. So we are off again until July when she'll have another clinic visit and her CT and Bone scans. Hopefully if the scans all come back good, we'll be able to space the clinic appointments out more than a month apart.

We did have some excitement a couple weekends ago for Greta. She got a big cut in her foot from someone opening a door right into her foot as we were entering a restaurant. She ended up with about 7 stitches in the top of her foot. She did a lot of screaming for the stitches and when the doctor came in she said "No Doctor!!" I think she's seen enough of them in her 3 1/2 years!

Otherwise, she's doing wonderfully! We've been able to go swimming a lot so far this summer and go for rides in the boat. She loves the water and loves for daddy to "go fast" in the boat. We're hoping for some great 4th of July weather to spend on the lake.

We hope that you'll keep Greta and our family in your prayers. Especially Greta's great aunt Lynda and Great Grandpa Ray as they are both fighting their own battles with cancer.
Thank you,
The Betz Family